Why should Democrats be funded by taxpayers? | Michael Barone | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner: "The most important factual problem with Dionne’s argument is that he doesn’t mention where the money public employee unions contribute to Democrats comes from. Let me refer him to these words from my Examiner column last Wednesday:RTWT, it's short and does a good job of eviscerating the absurd Demolescent argument that business money all goes to Republicans. And I suspect we'll be waiting a very long time to hear an answer that isn't pure garbage.Taxpayers, present and future, . . . are the source of every penny of dues paid to public employee unions, who in turn spend much of that money on politics, almost all of it for Democrats. In effect, public employee unions are a mechanism by which every taxpayer is forced to fund the Democratic Party.My question to E. J. Dionne: What’s the public policy argument for taxpayer funding of one of two major political parties?"