Wednesday, March 30, 2011

An Electric Shocka

Power Line - I sing the Government Electric: "At a recent conference, I was talking with a colleague I am acquainted with from GE. I mentioned the ARPA-E, primarily because I was curious. He told me that originally their proposal was turned down (i.e., it did not make it through the peer-review process and thus it was deemed by the reviewers as 'not worthy of support'). He then told me the funding was awarded by the ARPA-E director, at his prerogative.

Since I am a faithful Power Line reader, I could easily connect the dots between the government's 'favored' treatment of GE and this funding. I doubt that this will be the last, as the Department of Energy will have many opportunities to direct funding to GE. Just another example of Obama directing my tax dollars to his favorite places, and a way for GE to 'create jobs' and help their bottom line.
Our reader passes along this TMR story on the GE grant and comments: 'Mr. Hatch raises similar questions and summarizes everything quite well.'"
Is your hair standing on end yet? If they changed their name to Hamilton Electric there would be truth in advertising.

Of course, the population would have to have two brain cells to rub together for it to help...