Instapundit » Blog Archive » MARK STEYN: “By the way, I always love the way the west gets blamed in the Middle East for supporti…: "MARK STEYN: “By the way, I always love the way the west gets blamed in the Middle East for supporting despots and thugs. C’mon, all you Arab ‘intellectuals’: Who else is there? Where’s your Havel or your Corazon Aquino? Amr Moussa, a shifty devious suck-up to dictators his entire life, has hopes of becoming the president of the ‘new’ Egypt. Great: a ‘Facebook Revolution’ with the same two-faced faces.”
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 8:57 am"
Oh, and by the way, I have sympathy for what a hard decision it was for O Duce to go to war or not. Let's see: His pastor's pal Daffy Duck with American blood on his hands for sure? Or rebels with at least an Al Qaida faction that may have American blood on their hands? How to pick which is more treasonous?