The Donald Rumsfeld Interview | Right Wing News: "If you look down on Earth from outer space you can see the countries that are doing well, where the people are doing well, are countries that have free political systems. My favorite photo is the photo of the Korean peninsula taken from a satellite. You have the same people in the north and the south, the same resources north and south, and at night the south is just booming with electricity. The South Korean people have something like the 13th largest economy on the face of the earth. Up in the north, they're starving. There's no light except for a pin prick of light in Pyongyang. They're taking people in the North Korean military who are around five feet tall and weigh 100 pounds because of starvation. So, the message is clear. This is not a country that we need to apologize for. Are we perfect? No. Do we make some mistakes from time to time? Sure. But, by golly we ought to be proud of what we are and not feel we have to apologize for it.You need to RTWT of course.
Mr. Rumsfeld, I really appreciate your time. "