Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Power Of No Myrons

Belmont Club » The Motorcycle Drones On: "But it is not Che the executioner, or Che the incompetent commander who will be remembered, but Che the “Guerillero Heroico”. It is an image based on nothing more than Alberto Korda’s famous photograph of the 31-year old Guevara, which the Maryland Institute of Art called the “world’s most famous photo”. It is not based on Che’s life or his combat record, both of which are shameful affairs. But the Photo and the Motorcycle Diaries, both fantasies, will survive for far longer than reality because on some level it is better to have a glamorous name like “Che Guevara” than it is to have one like “Alan Gross”. Really. If “Che” had been called Myron and had bad teeth, would he even be remembered today?

The Citizen Renegade argues that the key advantage of the Left is that it understands that “framing” an argument is far more important the argumentation itself. “Frame the debate, win the hearts and minds. Take a page from the Alinsky school for radical revolution: the best defense is a good offense.”"
And as a special bonus, we have the COTD:
2. hdgreene
The Citizen Renegade argues that the key advantage of the Left is that it understands that “framing” an argument is far more important the argumentation itself.

A few decades back I noticed the Left focuses on “winning the argument” rather than “solving the problem.” And neither the arguments nor the problems are what they appear because they are mere proxies.

The left won the argument about closing Gitmo and against using drones for assassination of our enemies. A few years after they took command Gitmo is still open and using drones for assassinations is now essential and quite common. We were told we needed to provide insurance to x-number of uninsured (the number varied wildly depending on what was needed to win the argument) but we ended up with a law that will force young people with little income to pay much more for insurance in order to subsidize the insurance cost of middle aged people with much higher incomes (it called “community rating”). Meanwhile everyone’s health care cost will explode because of the costly overheads the law imposes on providers. None of this matters as long as The Left gets what it covets.

So the argument is never about any particular problem but about the only problem: The Left needs more power because The Left does not have enough power. So every problem, real or imagined (global warming, teaching Johnny to read about global warming) has the exact same solution: Give the Left more power.

Ever notice how prognosticators on the Left can consistently gets things wrong and still be considered experts? That is because they always get the “one big thing” right: The Left needs more power. (Thomas Friedman holding up China as the model for the US is an example — along with most of his other suggestions.)

March 5, 2011 - 6:36 pm Link to this Comment
Hard to top that one isn't it?