Power Line - I Sent One of My Stooges to Boston, and All I Got Was This Lousy Video!: "For the more than 600 Guild members at The Globe, whose pay has already been frozen for several years, the price of survival is steep, as described by several people briefed on the possible deal....
[T]he people briefed on the deal said the package included a pay cut of at least 8 percent -- as much as 8.5 percent by some accounts -- and an unpaid, one-week furlough this year, equivalent to an additional 2 percent pay cut. Company contributions to retirement plans would be eliminated, with limited exceptions for older employees.
Perhaps more important to the company -- and to a potential buyer -- the Guild would agree to end lifetime job guarantees for employees who started working at The Globe before 1992, in return for improved severance packages for those workers. That would make it easier to lay people off. Union leaders have said the company has made it clear that more layoffs are on the way.
Eight percent pay cuts! Unpaid furloughs! Zero employer contributions to retirement plans! And with all that, more layoffs on the way. Quick, someone tell Scott Walker! He needs to learn a lesson from people who really know how to bust a union: the New York Times and the Boston Globe."