Paul Ryan Tees Off on Obama’s Fraudulent Budget | Power Line: "With the departure of Mr. Lew from OMB just last month, we understand that you are testifying on short notice, and we recognize the difficulty of that.It must be all forked up for the praetorian guard to tell the truth. Maybe they're realizing they need to run Hillary?
And unfortunately, your job is even more difficult than usual – you are in the position of having to defend a budget that essentially dodges the most difficult challenges our country faces.
The New York Times has reported that this budget is, quote, “more a platform for the president’s re-election campaign than a legislative proposal.” After a careful review, it’s hard to disagree.
The Associated Press has reported – accurately in my view – that this budget, quote, “[takes] a pass on reining in government growth.”
Instead, it leaves the drivers of our debt – namely, the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending – quote, “largely unchecked.”"
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