Making Sure Corruption Remains "Made In America" - Forbes: "Add it all up and had we accepted the proposal, a million dollar earmark would have cost somewhere north of $200,000 to buy, all financed by the U.S. taxpayer. Do you think Avon paid Chinese officials that high a percentage of their profits for permission to peddle lipstick and skin cream? And, dare I ask, how much did this cost you and me?Or as Mike Church calls it, "Mordor on the Potomac". Or is that "PotOmac"?
How enlightened we are, smug in the knowledge that our method for feeding at the public trough is morally superior to the benighted practices of corrupt foreigners. And more flexible too, since the same legal process of running campaign “fundraisers” can be used if you want to block, say, a politically controversial oil pipeline or dodge a boneheaded regulation. And just think of the possibilities if you are trying to raise money for an unfinanceable solar cell, windmill, electric car, biofuel, or battery company! But please don’t ever allege that campaign donors receive quid-pro-quos. Civilized people know that all they are buying is “access.”"
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
47 minutes ago