Instapundit » Blog Archive » HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Supersizing Higher Education Is Not The Answer: Wood demonstrate…: "What truly correlates with economic success is not how many people get college credentials, but the degree of economic freedom in a country. Hong Kong isn’t prosperous because a large percentage of its citizens get college degrees. It’s prosperous because the government doesn’t meddle in the economy. In the Index of Economic Freedom, Hong Kong has been No. 1 for a long time. In that same index, the U.S. has been falling for years, and is now No. 10.The trouble with economic freedom is that it yields insufficient graft.
Too bad that Obama isn’t determined to elevate the U.S. to No. 1 in that respect.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 6:21 pm"
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
50 minutes ago