davidwarrenonline.com - NEWSPAPER COLUMNS: "And it was partly from reaction to the corruption, that governments took over the highway-building business - typically solving a problem by enhancing it.RTWT.
Those roads were built for everyone to use, or more precisely, everyone with a car, bus, or truck. By today we have reached the point where money is impounded, by tax and otherwise, to provide infrastructure directly to capitalist developments, for the sake of generating jobs and raising more tax revenue.
Notice the progression. The robber barons at least had to build the roads for their carriages. The auto barons could expect the government to provide this service, at general taxpayer expense. And now the mall barons expect the government to run infrastructure right to the entrances of their vast parking lots - the very size of these lots stipulated in turn by planning and zoning formulae. It is one big, integrated, public-private monster, in which the risks attendant on all human enterprise have been bureaucratically diffused."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
45 minutes ago