Friday, February 3, 2012

Poor And Poorer

Earning Less - Why The Poor Get Poorer: "Working more and earning less. That struggle is faced by the average American today as each dollar buys less than it did before. Statistically, the economy may be recovering. However, for the average American, the reality is far more depressing. Capacity utilization still remains much weaker than at the peak of the last economic cycle and employment relative to the total working age population remains mired at lows. These components all feed back into the mental and financial state of the consumer, which, in turn, impacts businesses' future investment and hiring decisions - or lack thereof.

The economy continues to roll off indications that the future quarters ahead will most likely be substantially weaker than those of the recent past. However, the real story here is that there is little hope for an already struggling middle class to gain any ground in an economic climate that continues to stack the cards against them."
Du'O. Let's see, I can get a tax break hiring machines instead of people. And the demonrat veliciraptor attack machine won't come after me if I make a mistake and the machines sit idle. But if I lay off the people I may get sued if not just feel like sh*t telling them I can't afford them any more.

Oh, and then there's the huge number of young kids from the "self esteem/ entitlement" generation who think everything is owed to them and don't have the tenacity or knowledge to work themselves out of a brown paper bag. And that aren't worth the minimum wage but have been brainwashed into thinking you're the velociraptor for not praising them for just showing up.

I dunno, why do you think the Obureaucracy is working like demonrats making up ways to make it seem that d*mn near the whole country hasn't gone on the dole?