Actor Bill Murray to CNBC: 'I think we ought to be personally responsible' - The Hill's Floor Action: "Actor Bill Murray on Friday said he believes Americans need to be more personally responsible for their well-being.Well there's an interesting coincidence. I had just recently listened to Brian Pretti suggest that the business cycle had been turned into "Groundhog Day" and then this pops up from Bill Murray.
"I think we ought to be personally responsible," he said on CNBC's "Squawk Box" Friday morning. "I think if you can take care of yourself, and then maybe try to take care of someone else, that's sort of how you're supposed to live.
"It's not a question of asking other people for help or being rescued or anything like that," he continued. "I think we've sort of gotten used to someone looking out for us, and I don't think any other person is necessarily going to be counted on to look out for us.
"I think there's only so many people that can take care of themselves, and can take care of other people. And the rest of the people … they're useful in terms of compost for the whole planet, you know."
Murray said the United States is a "pioneer country," but that many seen to forget the discipline early Americans needed to have just to survive.
"Occasionally, it seeps in that they came in wagons from Illinois to Oregon or whatever. That they came in wagons and the wheels broke.""
Here's the interview which turns out to be a short but excellent insight into the latest disaster that is our "free economy":
The more financially clueless you are -- and you are if you watch CNBC except for Rick Santelli -- the more you need to listen.