Belmont Club » Packet Collisions: "Undoubtedly the Liberals will say that the only problem with Dodd-Frank was that it was only 23 times longer than Glass-Seagall, clearly inadequate. Like the stimulus it has to be as big as a bazooka to work. Why not make it 230 times longer? Or 2,300 times longer — if that’s what it takes.As used to be well known, the road to h*ll is paved with good intentions.
But at some point the diminishing returns kick in. Just how many hours will an attorney charge just to see if you are in basic compliance? And will it guarantee no more loopholes?
It’s a game you can’t win. And sooner or later, as night follows day, the system will complexify itself to death. There isn’t enough free energy on earth to regulate everything to the degree that statists think they should be regulated. But they’re going to try. Before the end, they are sure going to try."
Alternately, you can look at it through Upton Sinclair's lens as quoted by Daniel Hannan recently:
"It is remarkably difficult to make a man understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."