It’s Old Fashioned But… - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online: "There is some discussion on the Hill these days about exactly what kind of legislative approach should be taken to overturn the almost indescribably odious HHS mandate requiring religious employers to provide abortive and contraceptive drugs to their employees. There is so very much wrong with the rule that it can be hard to know quite where to start.Actually, no. Given the chance, no doubt by this court it would be ruled unconstitutional because of the penumbras of the spermicides of birth control. Or something.
I would propose a simple, short bill that read simply: “Congress shall make no law, and the Executive Branch shall make no rule, respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
That should cover it, and it ought to have a pretty easy time passing constitutional muster too, unlike the HHS rule."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
44 minutes ago