Belmont Club » A Comment About The Corruption of Culture: "I think the Death of God project is itself dying. By that I do not mean that the Christian God or some other idea will stride forth triumphant, only that the experiment of man living only under his own authority, without reference to external reality is over. “It Depends” has brought us Hitler, Stalin and Mao. We cannot survive it for much longer.Interesting when the COTD is a comment by the author on his own post. But RTWT and see if I'm not right.
We are intellectually disarmed, reduced to madness almost, by this notion that we can make anything out of anything by the operation of human will. We cannot. The great sacrament of the Left is abortion for the same reason that Stavrogin’s was pedophilia. It’s a declaration of independence from God, or god, or nature, from all possibility of any restraint but our own whim.
The key insight is to realize that there is really no reason you can give, in the PC universe, as to why you should not abuse your daughter. No reason at all. It’s all arbitrary. And one day when they have finished sanctifying all the different kinds of marriages they want to sanctify, they will get to pedophilia."
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