Saturday, July 14, 2012

You Want To Talk Felony? UPDATED: "A Giant Bag Of Cheetos"

Instapundit » Blog Archive » HYPOCRITE: Over 30% of President Obama’s 2009-2011 Gross Income Came From Foreign Sources. And…: "HYPOCRITE: Over 30% of President Obama’s 2009-2011 Gross Income Came From Foreign Sources.

And that’s not counting all those unverified credit-card donations to his campaign.

Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:26 am"
It's a good thing O Duce has never read anything about the circumstances of the founding of this country or his conscience might be pained in the "avoiding foreign influence" area. Well, if he had a conscience that is instead of being a Chicago-land commie gangster dirtbag...

UPDATE: “They really don’t want to talk about the economy now, do they?” Eric Bolling asked, before handing it off to Greg Gutfeld, who seemed somewhat amused by the whole thing amusing consider Obama is from Chicago. Chicago. You know, the city “where if every criminal wore an orange jumpsuit, the city would look like a giant bag of Cheetos.”

Andrea Tantaros called the ordeal “a stretch,” going on to note that “arming Mexican drug cartels” is what sounds like a felony to her. She then took a look at the Obama family tree, citing two relatives who were undocumented in this country. And then there’s Obama himself. Tantaros noted that in Dreams from My Father, Obama “talked about snorting cocaine, which is still criminal behavior. So, um yeah, I’d be careful to throw stones.”
