America's Failing Grade on Cyber Attack Readiness - ABC News: "The man in charge of America's cyber operations said that on a scale of one to 10, the nation's preparedness to deal with a major cyber attack on critical infrastructure sits at a dismal three.And what kind of moron would want to publicize this? I guess the military is now filled with morons in the general staff. Lord help us...
"Somebody who finds vulnerability in our infrastructure could cause tremendous problems," Army Gen. Keith Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency and chief of U.S. Cyber Command, told audience members at the Aspen Institute's annual security forum late Thursday, according to multiple reports. Alexander said that since 2009, attempted cyber attacks on the nation's infrastructure systems have risen seventeen-fold.
"I'm worried most about power. I'm worried about water. I think those are the ones that need the most help," he said."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
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