Articles: How Statists Are Getting Away with It: "I would ask Joe Voter to bear with me as we discuss a thing called compound interest. Let's take two countries, A and B. A's GDP grows 1.4% per year, and B's grows 3.5% per year. Let's say both have the same GDP in year zero.
In 20 years, country A would be 32% more wealthy than it started. Its citizens would have seen progress and wealth growth. If they had no one to compare themselves to, they might think things were swell.
But in those same 20 years, country B would be 99% more wealthy than it started. While they both started out equal, after 20 years, country B will be 50% more wealthy than country A. Average Joe Voter in country A will start to take notice. In 2011, for example, Canada was 40% more wealthy than Cyprus (GDP per capita, purchasing power parity). People can notice differences of such magnitudes.
But statists have a solution to this: try to get all countries to grow at the same rate."

RTWT. You'll finally understand why your mammary glands hurt so much. And that goes for the men too...