Ugghh.Ace of Spades HQ: "For the first time, federal officials also revealed that Terry and an elite squad of federal agents initially fired bean bags -- not bullets -- at a heavily armed drug cartel crew in the mountains south of Tucson in December 2010.Now, this was long suspected by Fast and Furious investigators -- Katie Pavlich's book mentions it in Chapter One-- but this is the first official confirmation of this sad fact.
She reported that Border Patrol policy required them to use beanbag ammunition as "warning shots" -- despite the fact they shot these "warning shots" even as they told the bandits to drop their plainly-visible weapons.
It's one thing to require beanbag ammunition when confronting unarmed men. But when demanding that openly armed men drop their in-plain-sight AK-47s?!?!
Has Holder modified this requirement, or is this another thing he wants to call Executive Privilege on?
At Gateway Pundit, a commenter notes the grim and bloody irony that Brian Terry was disarmed by the very government that armed his murderers."
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