The PJ Tatler » Why ‘You Didn’t Build That’ is a Problem: "And for a guy who did nothing in his life except find ways to tear down business, protest them, tie them up with bureaucratic red tape and threatened litigation…he has some chutzpah telling these “bitter clingers” that they aren’t smart and they aren’t hard working enough for his tastes.
The golfer/vacationer who has slopped at the public trough throughout his life hit a nerve and it has prompted a recoil that still is resonating.
No matter how much he tries to water it down and scrub it from its true intent, it’s the “you’re not that smart, you’re not that hard working” that teed up the “you didn’t build that”. After it was teed up, the duffer in chief hit it out of bounds…and now is trying to kick it back onto the fairway with a foot wedge. He just needs to get his cleats out of his mouth to do that."