Instapundit » Blog Archive » WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: “Green” Energy Bias Killing California. “Destroying the economic hopes of…: "WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: “Green” Energy Bias Killing California. “Destroying the economic hopes of low income people in order to stoke the self esteem of entitled Boomers is not Via Meadia’s idea of progressive politics, but that just goes to show how backwards we are by the exalted moral standards of the California elites. The destruction of California isn’t a victimless crime. Millions of low income California residents are trapped in decaying cities where, thanks in large part to narcissistic green unicorn chasers, the manufacturing base has withered away. And anything that blights California, blights us all. America and the world need California back on line; the Golden State has too much to offer for anyone to remain indifferent to its fate.”
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:42 am"
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
24 minutes ago