Could ObamaCare Make The Uninsured Problem Worse? - ""The individual mandate," they conclude, "may not actually be mandatory after all."
The problem is that if the mandate doesn't work, ObamaCare could make the uninsured problem worse, at least in the individual insurance market.
That's because ObamaCare's insurance market reforms — called "guaranteed issue" and "community rating" — force insurers to cover anyone, regardless of their health status, while forbidding them from charging the sick more than the healthy.
ObamaCare's designers knew that without an effective individual mandate, these market reforms could cause a "death spiral" as healthy people dropped coverage knowing they could get it — guaranteed — whenever they got sick. This death spiral, in fact, is just what happened in states that tried those market reforms without imposing a mandate.
ObamaCare backers say that generous subsidies offered through the ObamaCare "exchanges" will more than make up for a neutered mandate.
But Obama's solicitor general, Donald Verrilli, admitted before the Supreme Court that without an effective individual mandate, "guaranteed issue and community rating will, as the experience in the states showed, make matters worse, not better. There will be fewer people covered; it will cost more.""
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