Stop claiming Obama said what he said, just because he said it | The Daily Caller: "This has now gone beyond Obama’s collectivist, big-government beliefs. Most people have figured those out by now, assuming they haven’t been in a coma for the last four years. This is just the latest example of Obama looking you in the eye and telling you 2 + 2 = 5. This is about the Obama campaign depending on voters being too ignorant to know they’re being told the most blatant, ridiculous lies. This is about Obama thinking Americans are stupid.
And he may have a point. After all, we did elect him.
This guy makes Richard Nixon look like George Washington. I’ll bet his pulse rate didn’t even go up a single BPM as he recorded that ad. He can lie to your face, knowing you know it’s a lie, and it doesn’t bother him one bit. As long as he can still fool enough of the suckers, maybe he can still pull it off in November. He’s gotta hope that part doesn’t change.
Obama 2012: What Else Are You Gonna Do, Rube?
P.S. The Democrats are planning to “go nuclear” in response. That should be fun to watch. I’ve never seen somebody drop a nuke on their own foot."