Belmont Club » Fear: "Here is Nigel Farage, the head of the UK Independence Party, stating the obvious on Nov 26, 2010. But as President Obama said on the occasion of his birthday, “we’re not even halfway there yet … we don’t have time to play these partisan games. … rebuilding Chicago … rebuilding Detroit … I want to build electric cars in America and ship them all around the world”. Whether he meant it as parody or genuinely imagined he was bestriding the world is up to the reader to decide.
But if we’re not halfway there yet, what does the bottom look like?"
The fact is that Heinlein's quote about "bad luck" also encompasses the application of the Tinfoil Apocalypse to the "advanced" west. There are the makers and the takers. The takers think they're our "betters" but really they're the equivalent of the Pacific Islander "cargo cults" who think the planes will return if they fashion headsets out of wood and wear them.
Surely the economy will grow at a 3.5% rate no matter how much it is plundered?
Not so. You live in Atlas' world. Go read up on the makers and the takers. Stop worshiping taker man and start to appreciate -- not worship -- the maker man.
And you do that by removing the chains you have placed on him and giving him the freedom to create. Not by having his life planned by his "betters".
Because eventually our "betters" the planners put on their wooden headsets and press the red button if they're given one. One from "Hahvaad" nearly did in a series of crises leading to the Cuban Missile crisis ... and Vietnam. It's just that in the current episode it has "only" resulted in the destruction of the economy ... so far.
Don't forget that "we got out of" the depression partially via WW II.
And did I forget to mention that FDR -- and the early 1900's progressives in general -- were big fans of Il Duce?
OK, you can put your wooden headsets back on now. Sorry to disturb your life on the Jersey Shore...