Moonbattery » Fast and Furious Traced to the White House: "Now we can add the White House to the mix, because during recent congressional hearings, the ATF’s Newell told Issa’s committee he “discussed the operation with the national security director for North America, Kevin O’Reilly.” The means of communication seems to have been an e-mail that was designed both to be kept private and to keep O’Reilly updated. But regardless of the method of communication, the fact is that a Fast and Furious update was sent to a White House official.Whew. Good thing that President's are sworn to uphold the Constitution and all. Otherwise they might end up trying to subvert it or something...
Of course, Obama says he knew nothing about either Gunwalker or Fast and Furious, although the President set aside $10 million for the operations in February 2009 via the stimulus package, and talked about “gun tracing” and “gun enforcement policies during a joint press conference in Mexico City with Mexico President Felipe Calderon in April 2009″ (which was the same month in which Holder gave a speech in Cuernavaca, Mexico, where he bragged of the implementation of Gunwalker)."
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