US official: Al-Qaida's No. 2 killed in Pakistan - Yahoo! News: "The official would not say how al-Rahman was killed. But his death came on the same day that a CIA drone strike was reported in Waziristan. Such strikes by unmanned aircraft are Washington's weapon of choice for killing terrorists in the mountainous, hard-to-reach area along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.But, but, but... The AP must be lying to us again. How can you tell? Why because everyone knows that Iran has never helped AQ. Sunni's and Shia never talk to each other. You're just a dumb Bushie knuckle dragger if you believe any such thing! /sarc
Al-Rahman, believed to be in his mid-30s, was a close confidant of bin Laden and once served as bin Laden's emissary to Iran.
Al-Rahman was allowed to move freely in and out of Iran as part of that arrangement and has been operating out of Waziristan for some time, officials have said.
Born in Libya, al-Rahman joined bin Laden as a teenager in Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union.
After Navy SEALs killed bin Laden, they found evidence of al-Rahman's role as operational chief, U.S. officials have said."
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