A Ten-Point Primer on Our Current Politics - By Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner - National Review Online: "Here is pretty much a roundup of the politics of our current malaise:RTWT. VDH is good. Very, very good...
1) The economy: Massive borrowing and record government debt have not led to a recovery from the recession primarily because we were unwilling to borrow and spend trillions more to put people back to work through government employment and subsidy.
2) The market: The president cannot be blamed for massive losses in the stock market in the manner that the president was blamed in September 2008 for massive losses in the stock market.
3) The debt crisis: An historic downgrade in U.S. creditworthiness by a rating agency worried over unsustainable national debt was really attributable to loud acrimony and political infighting over unsustainable debt.
4) The wars: The Bush legacy in Afghanistan is making it impossible to salvage that war; the Obama legacy in Iraq continues to ensure success. The less we know what is going on in Libya, the better. ..."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
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