Pajamas Media » What’s Wrong with Making Future Generations Pay for our Debt?: "Wow, that whole debt-ceiling debate was scary. For a while there, it looked like a few radical extremists were going to keep the country from going further into debt. And then where would we be? Without all the free stuff we like, because some people are stuck on the primitive notion that a budget should balance? I think you can say without hyperbole that people who think like that are literally terrorists, except a million times worse.I'm just quoting the start of this one so I don't spoil it for you. For this one you need to open a container or twelve of your favorite libation and savor it as you read. RTWT doesn't even begin to describe the situation here.
What makes people think the government should spend less money than it brings in? Probably racism. Also, a lust for violence. Because there is no logical reason for the government to spend less. None.
I do know one reason people keep bringing up as to why we should spend less: Because otherwise we leave the debt for future generations. But no one ever explains why that’s a problem."
But don't get me wrong, it's quite short actually. And by the end you'll say to yourself: By God that IS the way that liberals think! -- "think" being a gross exaggeration of course. And we're well and truly screwed, aren't we?