The Biden 'terrorist' story: How it came together - Print View: Vice President Joe Biden’s comparison of tea party negotiators to terrorists during the debt-limit crisis is still causing headaches for the White House — and on the campaign trail — more than two weeks after POLITICO reported Biden’s comments from a closed-door Democratic meeting in the Capitol.Apparently so. And O Duce continues to lie about it...
President Barack Obama on Monday stood by the vice president’s denial, and then on Wednesday morning The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler in his Fact Checker column took a shot at POLITICO’s reporting, saying he was “dubious” that Biden actually made such remarks.
For the record, POLITICO stands by the story and has done so since the moment it was posted on our website. Furthermore, the vice president’s office has never asked for a correction or retraction despite follow-up denials by Biden himself.
Setting aside the idea that it’s virtually impossible for one media organization to fact-check another media outlet’s reporting on what a public official said behind closed doors when there’s no known recording or transcript, we thought it would be fair to pull back the curtain on our reporting process and explain how the story came together.
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