Sunday Reflection: Why the GOP should give Obama the higher taxes he wants | Glenn Harlan Reynolds | Columnists | Washington Examiner: "But while I'm usually for tax cuts, in this case I think that's too bad. Because with this battle over, Hollywood stopped talking loudly about the damage done by high taxes, pretty much for good.This is most definitely a RTWT. Glenn's on a roll here...
When, since, have we seen such a firmly expressed appreciation of the harm that excessive taxation can do to the economy, voiced by representatives of the entertainment industries?
Today, those industries are a major source of Democratic contributions and spread-the-wealth rhetoric, even as they prosper based on this tax cut, and numerous other bits of favorable treatment scattered throughout the Internal Revenue Code. It's time for a change.
Were I a Republican senator or representative, I would be agitating to repeal the 'Eisenhower tax cut' on the movie industry and restore the excise tax. I think I would also look at imposing similar taxes on sales of DVDs, pay-per-view movies, CDs, downloadable music, and related products."
Somehow I think we would find that we have hit the limits of "shared sacrifice" with such effrontery, don't you? I mean, a tax on political indoctrination and bribery? The nerve!