Warren Buffett Stands to Gain from Higher Taxes on the Rich - Ricochet.com: "How noble and generous sounding -- that is, until you realize that Buffett has quite a lot to gain from higher taxes on the super rich. The Washington Examiner's Tim Carney unearths Buffett's suspect motives.I call bullsh*t. And that's because I've had a good day. Imagine if I hadn't...Buffett Profits from Taxes He SupportsLet's call a spade a spade: Warren Buffett, successful multi-billionaire that he is, is a lobbyist representing himself and his own monied interests. There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but let's not let liberals get away with this cunning charade of noblesse oblige when the full picture reveals that they have much to gain from their superficial 'generosity.'"
Buffett regularly lobbies for higher estate taxes. He also has repeatedly bought up family businesses forced to sell because the heirs’ death-tax bill exceeded the business’s liquid assets. He owns life insurance companies that rely on the death tax in order to sell their estate-planning businesses.
Buffett Profits from Government Spending
Buffett made about a billion dollars off of the Wall Street bailout by investing in Goldman Sachs on the assumption Uncle Sam would bail it out. He also is planning investments in ethanol giant ADM and government-contracting leviathan General Dynamics.
If your businesses’ revenue comes from the U.S. Treasury, of course you want more wealth.
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
47 minutes ago