Either You Believe In Math; Or You Believe In Magic | ZeroHedge: "Analogizing from the sleight-of-hand tricks of magicians to the confidence-based efforts of the world's central bankers, Brent Johnson of Santiago Capital provides at once an entertaining and also devastatingly simple explanation of what these guys are up to. As he notes, in deference to The Usual Suspects, "the greatest trick central bankers ever pulled was convincing the world that they work for the public and not for the banks." Comprehending the financial repression and inflation that is occurring - and knowing where to look to see the truth (and how to protect your assets) - is critical in not becoming the shill in Bernanke, Draghi et al.'s global game of Three-Card-Monte."The next time a Democrat tells you they aren't a shill of Wall Street, ask to see a list of their largest campaign bundlers and contributors. And whether Jon Corzine should be in jail.
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
44 minutes ago