Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Most Damaging Revelation O All

CS Monitor: Say, this admission on Benghazi terrorist attack might cause Obama a few problems « Hot Air: "Let’s recall the date of this attack.  It was the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, a date which al-Qaeda has repeatedly attempted to exploit again in order to make itself feared.  Benghazi is in the eastern part of Libya, where AQ has operated for years, recruiting hundreds of low-level jihadis for the war in Iraq, and who have been able to operate even more openly after the fall of Moammar Qaddafi.  That prompts the question of why the Obama administration didn’t take any extra precautions for the Benghazi consulate, especially now that Libya claims to have warned the US a few days before the attack of the deteriorating security environment in Benghazi."
The cover story offered by the White House shows just how badly they miscalculated on the Arab Spring, and the inevitable seizure of power by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the rise of AQ in eastern Libya, two utterly predictable consequences of Obama’s interventions. It also shows that the Obama administration, from the top down, understood just how bad this story was — and either lied to themselves, lied to us, or a bit of both in order to avoid the consequences of it. That might be the most damaging revelation of all.
Umm ... yes. [Touches index finger to nose multiple times.]