Barack Obama and flags | Power Line: "Rioters in Tunisia have torn down the American flag at the U.S. embassy and replaced it with the flag of al Qaeda. As John said earlier tonight, someone should roust Barack Obama from whatever fundraiser he is attending and let him know there is a crisis going on.... and it is looking more and more like reality all the time is that Barry could start flying the Al Qaeda flag over the White House and the average Democrat would still vote for him. What am I missing? I fear I am not missing a thing.
But is it clear that the burning of one flag — ours — and its replacment by another — al Qaeda’s — represents a crisis in Obama’s view? Or is Obama too sophisticated to worry about flags?
As a Senator, Obama declined to wear the American flag pin in his lapel. He called it “a substitute for true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security.”
No, Mr. President. Speaking isn’t true patriotism; action is. In the face of anti-American riots and attacks on Americans, brought on by the “Arab Spring” about which you have been so sanguine, what are you prepared to do?"
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