New Study Shows Childbirth Is Safer than Abortion - By Michael J. New - The Corner - National Review Online: "Overall, Reardon and Coleman found very strong evidence that giving birth is in fact safer than obtaining an abortion. The mortality rate for the women who gave birth was significantly lower than the mortality rate for women who obtained abortions. This finding was robust as it held true for every time period studied — from one year to ten years after the pregnancy. Overall, during the course of the entire study period, women who had early abortions had mortality rates that were almost 80 percent higher than women who carried their pregnancy to term. Interestingly, women who had late-term abortions had significantly higher mortality rates than those who had abortions earlier in pregnancy."One of the handful of instances where he isn't. Because ever since the racist Margaret Sanger, suppressing the minority population is paramount above all else to Democrats...
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
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