“Moderate” Muslim Malaysia Teaching Parents How To Spot Gay Kids… | Weasel Zippers: "American “progressives” unavailable for comment.London, September 15 (ANI): The Malaysian government is organising seminars aiming to help teachers and parents spot signs of homosexuality in children, it has been revealed.
Ten seminars have so far been organised by the Teachers Foundation of Malaysia – and the last one attracted about 1,500 attendees, signalling an increase in religious conservatism in the Muslim majority nation."
Speaking of lunacy, did you know that:
How about spotting a gay ambassador to Libya? The kiddies over at Hillbuzz, and various other places, believe Ambassador Stevens was gay. Now, outside of death ROEs, we have the "smartest woman on the planet" sending what some are saying is a gay ambassador to Libya.
And maybe we can send a female ambassador to Saudi Arabia ... who'll last until she's promptly shot through the back of the head in a stadium event with popcorn or whatever the Muslim equivalent of it is...