Articles: Political Legitimacy and the Special Interest State: "It took the New Deal and the Great Society to convert the concept of interest group capture of government into an affirmative philosophy of government, and to turn our elections into contests between competing groups of looters. The political legitimacy of the American republic was based on the consent of the people, which was in turn conditioned on the understanding that government must be limited to performing genuinely public functions and cannot be allowed to become a tool for whatever interests capture the levers of power. The Special Interest State transgresses these principles, and recent polls indicate that fewer than 25% of the people say that government has the consent of the governed. People did not consent to be looted by venture socialist friends of whatever administration is in power, or by cozy dealings between public unions and their pet elected officials. The inhabitants of California's Central Valley did not agree to a system in which coastal environmentalists destroy their livelihoods for the sake of the Delta Smelt. No one wants a medical system governed by trial lawyers combined with those who most effectively lobby HHS."What part of "Banana Republic" don't you understand?
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
48 minutes ago