Rising crime has some Egyptians yearning for the old police state - The Washington Post: "Now, she never opens the doors to strangers, she locks the front door with three deadbolts and two key-turned locks. She doesn’t leave the house after 5 p.m. and never feels safe outside or home alone.O Duce is intent on bringing it here. I'm now starting to wonder if we won't be seeing a mass prisoner clemency to help his vision of mayhem along.
“Theft has become normal, rape has become normal, there is no safety at all and the police, with all due respect, are afraid,” Hashem said. "I want the police to take control of the country again.’’
“Honestly, Mubarak robbed us and plundered our country and our people,’’ she added, “but we never saw crime like this.”"
Election Realities, Progress Ahead
2 hours ago