Jack Cashill writes: "Obama’s Sexually Confused Caretakers": "Apparently, Turdi took care of Obama when young Barry was eight-to-ten years of age, and Turdi was in his mid-twenties. He would bring Obama to and from school and play with him afterwards.I don't have to tell you by now that this is another Cashill classic. RTWT.
Turdi watched over Obama as a male. It is pure Newspeak to call him a “nanny.” Nevertheless, Turdi was not overly careful to conceal his inner yearnings at the time.
According to the AP, neighbors saw Turdi leave the Obama house in drag on occasion, but Turdi doubts Obama knew this. Still, as Turdi concedes, “He did see me trying on his mother's lipstick, sometimes. That used to really crack him up." I can imagine.
If you wonder what kind of mother would leave her impressionable, fatherless son with an obvious cross dresser and likely homosexual, it is same kind of mother who would leave him with a communist pornographer and likely bi-sexual a few years later."
Election Realities, Progress Ahead
2 hours ago