Belmont Club » Scorpio: "This is one reason why I value BC so much. Not that your prodigious volume of amazingly insightful analysis isn’t enough. You are the real deal; not some fat, sweaty white guy in a doomsday shelter who’s never experienced real troubles (and I say this as a fat white guy who isn’t in a bomb shelter). One relationship that I valued greatly was a previous co-worker who was a member of the South Vietnamese army who was captured after the war, sent to prison camp, escaped, and made his way to the US. If anyone in my personal life knew Communists, knew the true face, this chap did. And unfortunately, he pretty much confirmed my worst suspicions about the Institutional Left in this country. Not from their strategy, but from the very similar natures of their tactical actions, which we compared and contrasted in long conversations. Before that, I thought there was a good chance I was just getting too conspiratorial in my thinking. But if this gentleman taught me anything, it’s that I wasn’t even really beginning to see the mask slip yet."I took my boys to see "Act Of Valor" last night. They really, really don't want you to see that. So I highly recommend it.