You voted for a nut job for President. And you're the one who's going to be sold into slavery.OBAMA: 'Open up your hearts and your minds' to racialist prof: "“Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell.”If we did, here’s what we’d be opening our hearts and minds to. This is a close associate of Jeremiah Wright, a man who was quoted by Jeremiah Wright regularly. This is a man who posited that the civil rights movement was too moderate because it accepted the status quo, and believed that the entire legal and constitutional system had to be transformed in radical fashion. This is a man so extreme that, as we’ve reported, he wrote a story in 1993 in which he posited that white Americans would sell black Americans into slavery to aliens to relieve the national debt, and that Jews would go along with it."
And if not you then most certainly your children.