Surprise: Obama to fast-track approval for Keystone pipeline’s, er, southern half « Hot Air: "Follow the progression here. The polling on gas prices generally and Keystone in particular is horrific. No less than Bill Clinton gives a speech three weeks ago urging Democrats to “embrace” the pipeline. McConnell forces a Senate vote on approving the pipeline and gets 11 Democrats to switch sides; so close is the final margin that The One himself is forced to lobby skittish Dems to stick with him. And then that CBS poll drops last week showing his job approval suddenly in a tailspin, with gas prices the only obvious explanation. He had to do something so this is what he did — a cosmetic gesture to help speed the construction by a few months of a pipeline that was always going to be built anyway. I bet it’ll help him in the polls, too. Coming soon: Obama signs executive order instructing IRS to send refunds to people who overpay their taxes."Good God. He'll get away with this garbage too.