The Pro-Life, Pro-Infanticide Consensus - By Jonah Goldberg - The Corner - National Review Online: "There’s so much that can be said about this, it’s difficult to know where to begin. Many abortion opponents in the 1970s argued that legalizing abortion opened the door to a slippery slope where people would start advocating infanticide. Such arguments were greeted by many pro-abortion rights activists as paranoid and extreme. But lo and behold, they were absolutely right. When you lift one taboo, it is difficult to plant a new one that everyone will agree on. Now the growing Peter Singer caucus is encroaching ever more deeply into the mainstream. It’s a disgusting, reprehensible and evil turn of events."And that's putting it diplomatically.
Although perhaps a compromise could be reached where the parents of course wouldn't be allowed to kill their infants -- but would be allowed to kill their adult children should they turn out to be Peter Singer eugenicist clones.