What if the Left is just one Potemkin Village after another? | Washington Examiner: ""Yet, by maintaining the fiction of independence from one and other, they appear to much of the press to be a pack of scrappy underdogs sinking their teeth into the ankles of the big-money men."And O Duce is not just "proud of them generally", he's all-in proud. Of course, he'll lie to your face and tell you he's not. That's just what Marxists do. They consider it ethical.
The campaign inadvertently became public when video of a presentation by Pew vice president Sean Treglia to a group of journalists at the Annenberg Center let the cat out of the bag:
"The target was 535 Members of Congress and the idea was to create the impression that a mass movement was afoot, that everywhere they looked people were talking about campaign finance reform," Treglia explained on the video.
Not one of the journalists listening to Treglia challenged him on the fact he was, in effect, admitting a massive, systematic pack of lies."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
24 minutes ago