Obama and the Bell Curve | Power Line: "Who would believe such a ridiculous story? Ask yourself this clarifying question: who is it that believes that human beings are a liability, that overpopulation is a crisis, and that physical “natural resources” are the larger asset than human beings who come with two hands and a brain? It is liberals who believe this most fervently, not the advocates of free markets and individual liberty. Liberals have long hooted at Julian Simon and others who argue that people are the “ultimate resource,” and not physical matter, especially not gold. Only a liberal would find “Space Traders” to be a plausible scenario. No pro-life president would ever make Bell’s deal; it would require a liberal president like . . . Barack Obama!Turn. Off. The. T. V. And. Use. Your. Brain.
Derrick Bell unwittingly reveals who the real racists are these days, and along the way reveals why it is that liberal guilt exists. Bell curve indeed."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
11 minutes ago