Bookworm Room: "As some of my past posts reveal, I wrote all that was necessary four years ago, when I pretty accurately predicted what would come to pass. Now that things have played out as any sentient being not blinded by ideology could foresee, all I’m left with is “I told you so.” And just as “I told you so” is a conversation stopper in real life, it’s also a dead-end blog-wise.
I told you that Obama would let Iran build the bomb.
I told you that Saudi Arabia and Israel would bond (somewhat) over a common Iranian enemy.
I told you that Obamacare couldn’t be self-sustaining because it was built upon an economic house of cards.
I told you that Obama would abandon our allies and embrace our enemies.
I told you that the European economic model would collapse in the face of economic reality.
I told you that Obama’s passive response to the Green revolution in Iran and the Arab spring would result in resurgent Islamism.
I told you that, while I don’t believe Obama is a religious man, his heart lies with Islam.
I told you that Obama is antisemitic."