Instapundit » Blog Archive » LEAKS AND SECRETS: Fired White House Tweeter Accused Official of Leaking Stuxnet. “Joseph, who was…: "OCTOBER 23, 2013... already believed this to a near certainty. The only question was which Obamoron it was that did it...
LEAKS AND SECRETS: Fired White House Tweeter Accused Official of Leaking Stuxnet. “Joseph, who was outed in a report Tuesday in The Daily Beast, criticized and insulted dozens of Obama administration officials, lawmakers, Capitol Hill staffers, and journalists during his two-year stint on social media. But his number-one target was Deputy National Security Advisor for Communications Ben Rhodes, a senior official close to President Obama. Rhodes worked for the same department as Joseph, albeit at a much higher level. In the summer of 2012, Joseph issued multiple tweets under his @natsecwonk account suggesting that Rhodes was the source of classified information leaked to the press about the Stuxnet virus, a joint U.S.-Israeli cyber warfare effort to sabotage Iran’s nuclear centrifuge program. Joseph, as an official in the non-proliferation bureau of the State Department and later inside the White House, was part of the administration’s team working on the Iranian nuclear issue.”
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 11:48 pm"