The Best and the Brightest | National Review Online: "Think of it as applying expert knowledge vs. channeling social knowledge. It’s the difference between how the left and the right think about a lot of policy questions, very much including health care. That doesn’t mean the problems with can’t or won’t be solved, of course. But it probably means they won’t be solved by infusing Silicon Valley brilliance into the process. The spirit in which this site was created was like the spirit the law seeks to impose on the health-care system: managerial, not innovative. Its early problems are almost enough to make you think that maybe the federal government shouldn’t have too much control over a health-care system badly in need of innovation and efficiency, aren’t they?"Unfortunately it won't be enough to make the deltas think. Mustafa O'Mond and his long line of progressive predecessors have succeeded in training the deltas to be incapable of thinking.
Election Realities, Progress Ahead
2 hours ago