Bookworm Room » No Obamacare until all exemptions are overturned: "I can tell you from the inside how that works. I spent two years on active duty fulfilling my military obligation, which was of course a government run hospital. After residency specialty training of several more years, I was in solo private practice for 45 years. For 18 years as part of my department contribution to training residents I spent one day weekly supervising surgery with residents at a VA hospital, where they received the major part of their hands on surgical training. Any government hospital receives a yearly budget, and once this is spent you simply will not receive the treatment you need until the following month or year when the budget will allow acquisition of that which is needed. You will be strung along until the budget allows purchasing necessary items. Of course, if you are an “upper level” person a “special purchase” is always available. Just don’t be a peon or need something special at the wrong time of the month or year, as the case may be. ..."This is one of those rare RTWT comments. I'll wait while you do. Now take a gander at this: