Thursday, October 31, 2013

Regime O Fraud On Stilts

Election Integrity Activists: Obamacare 'Biggest Voter Registration Fraud Scheme in History': "Several election integrity activists have alleged that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or Obamacare, does not appear to have been an effort to conduct healthcare reform to fix what was described in 2009 and 2010 as a broken healthcare system. 

The law passed Congress with just Democratic Party support. Instead of being an honest attempt to fix America’s healthcare woes, “I think [it] is the biggest voter registration fraud scheme in the history of the world,” said Gregg Phillips, the founder of the election integrity group Voters Trust, in an interview with Breitbart News Wednesday morning.

Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of True The Vote, another election integrity group, cite as proof what left-wing organizations are saying about how they plan to use Obamacare. Demos, a left-wing organization funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, published a report earlier this year titled: “Building a Healthy Democracy: Registering 68 Million People to Vote Through Health Benefit Exchanges.”"
You don't have to watch what the left hand is doing. You don't have to end up starving to death in the dark in the basement of your burned out shell of a house, either. But I see no way for you to avoid it at the rate you're going.

In case you weren't paying attention to what was really going on with Obama's regime -- and you weren't -- it turns out that the Tea Party IRS assault victim poster woman was Catherine Engelbrecht.

To wit: FBI interviews. IRS audits. More IRS questions. More FBI questioning. IRS questionnaires -- can you send us every Facebook post and Tweet you've ever written? (How about that Lois Lerner anyway? Do you think she's laughing at your credulity just a bit?) An audit by the ATF. And OSHA audit resulting in fines even though when the inspector ended the visit she "complimented them on their tightly run shop and said she didn’t know why she had been sent to examine it" -- do you suppose her Fuehrers over-ruled her clean report? Democrat congressional committee scrutiny. A visit by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality leading to the need for a $2000 per year permit. Two more rounds of questions by the IRS. Oh, and another unscheduled audit by the ATF.

Care to guess why after reading this little nightmare of a piece?

Yes, that would be because she headed the Tea Party leaning organization most focused and effective on exposing voter fraud by the left.

And this Breitbart story is about what again?

That's right: Massive. Leftist. Voter. Fraud.

But what do I know?

What's that? This is just all normal government stuff and she's just being a conspiracy theorist?


Then if this is "normal" what do you think the odds are that this country won't have all its small businesses run out of existence post haste?

In case you think I'm wrong about the big picture here, then you obviously haven't read this either.  How's them apples?

Did I forget to mention that via Obamafraud, millions of people newly shuttled into Medicaid can register to vote without showing up before any government representative as is now required by the already laughable "motor voter" laws signed by Saint Billy Jeff Cigar?  You didn't miss that part of the article, did you?